[FT WORTH, TEXAS, APRIL 9TH 10 AM] — Associate Judge Beth Poulos is announcing her intent to run to replace the current retiring Judge Jerome Hennigan of the 324th District Court in Tarrant County. Judge Poulos has served as the Associate Judge of that Court since her appointment by Judge Hennigan in 2006. Associate Judge Poulos has been board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization as a Family Law Specialist since 2004 and maintained a successful solo practice since 1993 in Arlington prior to her appointment to the bench. After over 30 years of practicing law in Tarrant County, Beth has displayed the integrity, experience and dedication to her role as Associate Judge and will bring those qualities to the 324th District Court bench.
Her leadership abilities in the court are well-regarded by her colleges and were displayed in her handling of the recent social and weather-related disasters that hit Texas in the last 12 months. Her Court never discontinued it’s service to the community and although operating under crippling conditions, litigants continued to find relief in the 324th Associate Court. “I'm very proud of our ability to turn the Court into a virtual experience in record time with no forewarning or preparation for the devastation the last year has wrought” she said. “We established continuity in our dockets which allowed the litigants and their counsel to find relief during a time of confusion and chaos. I look forward to serving as Tarrant County's District Judge of the 324th, and to continue to establish a stable foundation where litigants and attorneys may rely on fair and just application of the law and constitution of our state and nation.”
Beth is a single mother of a grown daughter, Lauren, and a caregiver for her 92 year old mother, Patricia. She always finds time to step up and help others and her contributions to Republican Clubs in Tarrant County span several years of organizing annual golf tournaments to raise funds for conservative candidates.
Beth has stated, “I am asking for voters to elect me and give me the opportunity to continue to serve in the 324th District Court in the capacity as the District Court Judge. My election will allow me to use my extensive experience and knowledge of the law to focus on matters that greatly affect families, and particularly the children, in my community.”
Beth Poulos the Associate Judge of the 324th and is running in place of the Retiring Judge of the 324th District Court in the Republican Primary in 2022
For more Campaign information contact Campaign 817-992-8329 bethpforjudge.com